📢 Attention Punjabi Sikh Community 🙏
We need to address a serious issue that has been affecting our community for the past 25 years. Surinder Singh, who has been portraying himself as a respected community leader, has been found to be using a fake degree. It has come to our attention that his claims of being a Dr title, false, and he has been misleading the community for his own personal gain.
A genuine degree should have a reference number, the year of graduation, and a stamp indicating the university from which it was obtained. Surinder Singh degree lacks all these essential details, raising doubts about its authenticity. Furthermore, his surname and father’s name are missing, along with the date and degree reference number. These discrepancies strongly suggest that he may be a fake degree holder.
We urge the community to be aware of this situation and expose the truth. It is important to inform the university and the Indian High Commission in the United States of America about this matter. We need to ensure that our community is not misled by individuals who use false titles and engage in dishonest behavior.
We call upon the university to conduct a thorough investigation and verify the authenticity of Surinder Singh
degree. We also request that they make the necessary information available to the public, so that we can have a transparent understanding of his qualifications.

As a Sikh community, we value truth and integrity. We must stand united against any form of deception and ensure that our community is represented by individuals who have earned their positions through legitimate means.
Please share this post and help us spread the word. Together, we can bring about positive change and protect the integrity of our community.
#PunjabiSikhCommunity #ExposeTheTruth #DemandAuthenticity